Uk Businesses Looking to Enhance Customer Communications Need the Right CCM Platform

by | Jul 6, 2021

How A Cloud-based Customer Communications Management Platform Can Help UK Businesses Achieve Their 2021 Goals

The COVID pandemic has been extremely challenging for businesses, no matter what sector, size, or lifecycle stage.

It certainly changed how companies communicate with their customers. With little advance warning, organisations had to mitigate restrictions on face-to-face interactions by quickly providing ways for customers to continue receiving services and communication via digital/remote channels.

For a period, priorities had to be reshuffled to ensure continued operations, and avoid losing revenue in what was an unprecedented disruption of business-as-usual.

Now that some economies are opening up again, business priorities are not much different from what they were pre-COVID-19.

Priorities for UK companies specifically, include reducing costs and enhancing customer experience, among others. Finding a suitable CCM platform that addresses these priorities should also be a primary goal for UK businesses looking to enhance customer communications.

Let’s take a deeper look at these priorities and why they are key:

Icon: Reduce costReduce Costs: Many business leaders cite reducing costs as a top priority; understandable considering the lingering effects of the economic disruption. In a survey of UK CFOs conducted by Deloitte, 46% of respondents mentioned reducing costs as a corporate priority for 2021.

Icon: Cloud TechnologiesCloud Technologies: Many businesses had already prioritised this and begun the process before the pandemic hit. Companies that had not invested in cloud technology pre-COVID-19 were unable to react as quickly as those that had, to support remote working and digital customer communication. Moving key technologies to the cloud can help reduce costs, it also helps improve the organisation’s agility and speeds up its response to market changes.

Icon: Single VendorSingle Vendor: Another opportunity to manage costs is to consolidate technology vendors. For example, moving all customer communications onto a single omnichannel platform and thereby alleviating the management of multiple vendors.

Icon: Enhance Customer ExperienceEnhance Customer Experience: Enhancing customer experience also gets a mention as a priority, as does building data up and out, to provide the personalised experience customers want. With evolving customer expectations around communication channels, organisations need to have a data strategy that will extend their ability to not only personalize communications but products and services as well.

Icon: Information SecurityInformation Security: With an increasingly security-aware customer base, data protection and privacy requirements are also high priority. Let’s face it, information security and regulatory compliance will never drop off the priority list. As the risk landscape evolves, so businesses must adjust their security posture and continuously educate their employees and customers.

Why Doxim CCM is a good fit for UK businesses looking to enhance customer communication

Doxim CCM is a cloud-based, SaaS (Software as a Service) solution that addresses all the above business priorities. It provides the opportunity to consolidate all customer communication (across print and digital) onto one omnichannel CCM platform, supported by a single vendor.

Managing communications on a single platform provides consistency in customer communication, enables a single view of all communications that a customer receives and results in a better customer experience.

And finally, a dedicated security team manages all aspects of Doxim’s security posture and ensures that client data is protected at every point in the communication process.

Doxim’s secret ingredient for customer communications management

Doxim’s approach to pricing is unique and designed to assist companies with the transition from print to digital communications without the uncertainty of a transaction-based, variable fee. Doxim offers a predictable monthly fee, suited to the size of the company, that covers all communications.

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James Hall
RVP for EMEA & APAC, Doxim
James Hall is RVP for EMEA & APAC at Doxim. James focuses on building partnerships with clients to help them meet their business goals through communication. James has more than 20 years’ experience in a wide range of technology-based roles. His expertise extends across the fields of consultancy, product management, project management, account management and sales. James has an MSc in climate change management.

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