Invest in a communications platform for digital growth and future demands

​Customer Communications of the Future will be a Hybrid of Physical Print and Technology Platforms

“80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences.”

Today’s consumer wants the best of both worlds, from print to digital, organizations need to invest in technology and services that provide for all their customers, not just the tech savvy ones. The future of customer communications will be about choice, preference management, and personalization.

We believe that organizations shouldn’t have to develop a patchwork of products and services in order to manage any and all communications with their customers.  Whether it be print, pdf, html, text, or video, the future of CCM will be a platform approach to delivering a personalized experience in the consumers channel of choice.

Tapping into Consumer Experience to Drive Engagement and Loyalty

person holding a phone
Doesn’t it feel good when you pick up your order from Starbucks  and your name is written on your coffee cup?  ​We all crave a form of personalization whether it’s one to one personal interaction between you and the barista or a tailored note from your financial institution addressing your specific life stages. A personalized experience feels good.

With one centralized platform to manage all of your customer communications, focusing on a personalized  customer experience and creating consistent experiences across all channels will be possible, critical for driving engagement, retention and ultimately increasing revenue.

Realizing the Benefits of a CCM Platform

ECM Consolidation

Often organizations have multiple ECMs. Centralizing your documents in one ECM provides one source of the truth for consumers documents . It not only allows customer care staff to be efficient with managing customer calls but also benefits the end customers by improving their experience.

​Interactive Reporting​

As organizations evolves digitally, the future of CCM will provide interactive reporting through HTML statements. With HTML, consumers can proactively interact with their statements, including educational content leading to more informed consumers and possibly fewer calls to the call centre.

Client Onboarding​

Enable an end to end workflow from data composition to delivery and finally retrieval for your customer care team and end consumers.  An end to end workflow should allow you to manage your documents independently and will ensure that your business runs smoothly and meets industry best practices so you can service your end customers in the way they deserve to be served.  ​

From Legacy to DCX Digitization

Migrating documents to digital formats will help organizations get rid of the high cost of managing paper and will provide the freedom to tailor at each stage of the CCM workflow. ​Offer consumers choice by having them choose their preferred media to access their documents via web, mobile, email or text.

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