Shield Your Organization From Disaster With A Print And Mail Business Continuity Plan

by | Aug 30, 2022

Print and mail Every organization needs a robust business continuity plan in the event of a crisis, which can include both natural and man-made disasters, like fire, flooding, pandemic, or any other incident that results in a disruption of business operations. Your organization probably has some business continuity management (BCM) plans in place already, which cover everything from IT disaster recovery to facility and workforce management in a time of crisis. But does your plan include print and mail disaster recovery? If not, you risk losing the ability to communicate effectively with your customers during an emergency event – which is when communication matters the most. This is why many broad-based BCM standards include maintaining customer communications as an important goal for a resilient, effective business continuity program. Delaying the delivery of business-critical documents and communications causes a host of negative effects, such as reputational damage and a bad customer experience. It can also severely impact your revenue cycle management, and regulatory compliance. That is why a backup composition and print plan is essential. Such a plan, provided by a vendor with a number of first class, geographically dispersed print facilities, can offer you immediate value through a quick-start process that defines, integrates, and fulfills your most critical communications. This way you can provide a seamless customer experience, as well as experience an instant ROI.

What would happen if suddenly your organization could no longer send out critical documents to your customers?

Let’s discuss how we can help ensure continuous business execution of your print and digital communications let’s chat

Here are some key areas to review when planning for print and mail business continuity:

Mitigate Resource Dependency

Business continuity planning for IT is different than planning for print communication continuity. If you handle your print and mail in house, you need to have a very clear understanding of the physical requirements of data composition, print, and delivery. Be sure to consider the critical resources you need to operate your print and mail facilities, and how you would manage supply chain disruptions that could prevent you from easily replenishing those resources. In this circumstance, having a backup relationship with a large, established customer communications vendor can be an important part of your BCM plan. One method of creating a backup relationship with a communications vendor in case of disaster is to pre-emptively allocate a portion of your communications fulfillment to that vendor now. Then, should there be a crisis that impacts your in-house print facility, or your primary print vendor, your secondary vendor will have pre-configured access to your communication data, and can move to providing 100% of your critical print communications almost immediately.

Limit Communication Delays

Time delays are not an option for essential services like regulated paper-based document delivery. In many cases, there can be regulatory or legal consequences if vital communications are delayed. If your print operation shuts down because of an unforeseen disaster, you need to consider a seamless and quick transition to a third-party facility to maintain operational control.

Maintain Revenue Cycles

Revenue metrics like Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) are monitored and managed by organizations to maintain financial viability and ensure end customer payments are on time. What would happen to your organization if key processes like billing were impacted by a shutdown of your print facility? Having access to a backup facility to deliver critical bills and facilitate revenue cycles is what is required to ensure there is no time delay.

Deliver a Stellar Customer Experience at a Trying Time

Delivering communications and regulatory documents to customers on time is a requirement for your organization. It is also a reflection of your brand promise. Maintaining the regular cadence of critical communications, especially when times get tough, will help you retain and gain new loyal customers. Conversely, getting a paycheck, bill, or an overdue payment notice with a delay may really affect someone’s financial well-being, especially if your customers have also been negatively impacted by the same disaster your company is dealing with. Being able to serve customers without interruptions, as a result of your investment in a print and mail disaster recovery solution, may be critical to maintaining ‘customers first’ reputation when the unexpected occurs.


Customer reading his mail The Doxim Business Continuity Solution (BCS) offers a backup composition of both print and digital communications. It offers immediate value to clients through a quick-start process that defines, integrates, and fulfills a portion or all of their communications, delivering instant ROI and ensuring seamless customer experience. This contingency solution can be operated out of any of Doxim’s state-of-the art print facilities across North America. We can offer your organization expert guidance in print contingency planning from our implementation, customer success, and support teams.

Are you ready to reduce operational risk by having a backup plan and a reliable customer communications partner? Book a conversation with a print and mail disaster recovery expert now!

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Scott Biel
Chief Revenue Officer
Scott has 25 years of experience in Customer Communications Management (CCM), with a primary focus on delivering exceptional results for the financial services industry. In his current position as CRO, Scott oversees all revenue-generating activities and works closely with executive leadership, sales, solutions and partners, to develop and execute a revenue strategy that further positions customers and the business for maximum shared success. He leverages his extensive knowledge of CCM, regulated and financial services to improve customer experience, drive operational effectiveness and achieve cost optimization through digital technologies.

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