Deliver a Modern Customer Experience
“These campaigns always have the most successful click through and open rates. One-click promotions are nice because we can see immediate results: they are saving us money right off the bat.”— Palmetto Citizens
Frequent, Timely, and Connected
In today’s digital world, consumers expect the delivery of their regulated documents to be wrapped in a broader customer experience, with engagement that is frequent, timely, and connected.
Engagement can remind the consumer about upcoming activity, notify them when it’s completed, and trigger follow-on communications. New formats and channels support greater personalization and interactivity, delivering an experience that is targeted, relevant and connected – for greater satisfaction, revenue generation, and reduced support calls.

Frequent, Timely, and Connected
In today’s digital world, consumers expect the delivery of their regulated documents to be wrapped in a broader customer experience, with engagement that is frequent, timely, and connected.
Engagement can remind the consumer about upcoming activity, notify them when it’s completed, and trigger follow-on communications. New formats and channels support greater personalization and interactivity, delivering an experience that is targeted, relevant and connected – for greater satisfaction, revenue generation, and reduced support calls.

Instant, 2-Way Account Messages
Instantly message customers by email or SMS/text regarding account alerts (e.g., transaction completed) or to deliver account-level information. Enable customers to respond for instant 2-way engagement.
“In Portal” Customer Service Messaging
Increase customer satisfaction and reduce call center volumes with “in portal” messaging. Rapidly respond to enquiries customers send through the customer portal or in response to a 2-way digital business message.

“In Portal” Customer Service Messaging
Increase customer satisfaction and reduce call center volumes with “in portal” messaging. Rapidly respond to enquiries customers send through the customer portal or in response to a 2-way digital business message.

Personalized, Interactive Video
Interactive video provides the ‘personal touch’ needed to drive engagement, conversions, and revenue. The data-driven video follows a pre-set workflow to inject customer data, respond to customer choices, perform calculations, and deliver personalized outcomes.
Interactive Documents
When a customer portal is not ideal (e.g. for one-off or infrequent engagement), you can deliver the same personalized and interactive experience by email – direct to your customers inbox.
The secure, interactive experience enclosed in the email attachment accelerates paperless adoption, reduces time-to-pay, and delivers the ultimate modern CX.

Interactive Documents
When a customer portal is not ideal (e.g. for one-off or infrequent engagement), you can deliver the same personalized and interactive experience by email – direct to your customers inbox.
The secure, interactive experience enclosed in the email attachment accelerates paperless adoption, reduces time-to-pay, and delivers the ultimate modern CX.

Orchestrated Email Marketing Campaigns
Grow your sales and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) with personalized, orchestrated email marketing campaigns to segmented lists. Deploy automated, multi-step, trigger-based campaigns that respond to customer actions.