Document Accessibility

Open up fresh new ways to serve an expanded customer base

How to Be Innovative while Ensuring Accessibility Needs are Met

No longer must you choose between projects that drive new business and ones that sate your lawyers’ appetite for compliance! Making content accessible to people with disabilities is that rare opportunity to address an underserved market while at the same time complying with mandates that are spurring double digit increases in lawsuits every year.

A Legal Mandate, and an Opportunity for Growth

If your FI doesn’t have a comprehensive plan in place to serve Persons with Disabilities (PWD), your valued customers may be experiencing barriers to accessing your products and services.

Getting Started with Digital Accessibility

If you haven’t taken a thorough look at the accessibility of your website, apps, and documents, then you aren’t really providing an inclusive and equitable experience for all your customers, including Persons with Disabilities (PWD).

Doxim statement sample

Make Your Documents Accessible

The pressure is increasing on organizations to provide accessible communications to customers due to local and international regulatory requirements and a desire to meet the varied needs of customers. But meeting accessibility requirements can be overwhelming, as your organization is already stretched to meet day-to-day business requirements.

Doxim can help you meet the needs of your customers who would benefit from accessible documents. Our experts will help you increase readability and offer alternative document formats, so you can improve the overall customer experience, reduce costly calls to your call center, and meet regulatory obligations.

Avoid Litigation Costs

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), financial institutions are considered “places of public accommodation” and as such, the law requires them to ensure their websites and documents are accessible for people with disabilities. The risk of non-compliance also remains high, as fines alone can reach as high as $100,000. This amount can grow 4x once you factor in the legal, post-settlement and, most importantly, depreciated brand reputation costs. For much less than the cost of a single legal action, financial institutions can leverage Doxim’s cost-effective accessible document solution to take quick precautionary measures against accessibility-related legal action and demand letters.

Expand Your Customer Base By Tapping into An Under-Served Market

The persons with disabilities (PWD) market is large, under-served, and growing every day. Doxim can help organizations better serve the PWD market by providing them with an enhanced interactive experience for their transactional documents, whether they are in PDF or HTML format.

Enhance Your Digital Customer Experience

Current demographic shifts mean that organizations can expect an uptick in disability rates among their customers as the Baby Boomer population ages. With this population having some of the largest discretionary spending income, by implementing accessible documents now to ensure that these long-term and loyal customers can still engage effortlessly as they age. Your investment in accessibility can also save you costly customer service calls to your call center.

Doxim Document Accessibility Features

Compliant with Legislation

The solution meets all compliance requirements for WCAG 2.0 (A or AA) or higher, ADA and Section 508.

Various Document Types

Doxim can help organizations create accessible documents such as statements, emails, notices, and tax documents

Multiple Document Formats

Doxim can create accessible transactional documents in both HTML and PDF formats.

Compliant with Legislation

The solution meets all compliance requirements for WCAG 2.0 (A or AA) or higher, ADA and Section 508.

Accessible Navigation with Screen Reader Support

Documents are optimized for the reading order with customizable headings and alternate text for images.


Allow users to self-declare their wish to receive or view documents in an accessible format.

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